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Longitudinal Complex Diagnostics

Another form of sensory motor tests (SMT) is the Longitudinal Complex Diagnostics© (LongiKid©) Test, which measures the child’s sensory, motor, and cognitive developmental milestones from 3 months to 11 years of age. The Longitudinal Complex Diagnostics is an essential part in the process of determining the child’s input level for the TSMT or HRG therapy, so its performance is highly recommended if the child shows symptoms of delayed development in more than one area or the parents/professionals consider it necessary to start the therapy due to a certain diagnosis or set of symptoms.

Why is it worth participating in the Longitudinal Complex Test?

The Longitudinal Complex Test is a relatively easy-to-perform test that takes place in the presence of the parent. Its evaluation is simple and fast, and shows an age-appropriate developmental milestones profile in the following areas of the child:

  • Maturity of the nervous system: It examines the child’s profile of primitive reflexes, atypical reactions, as well as subcortical functions of the motor areas of the brain.
  • Motor skills area: Measures the skills required for the motor coordination and ease of movement in the field of gross motor skills, fine motor skills and graphomotor skills.
  • Cognitive area: It examines 18 abilities in 5 areas of attentional functions and serves as a good predictor of successful schooling and, if necessary, provide special educational guidance to parents.
  • Area of language development: It is able to determine the expressive and receptive language skills, which in case of delayed speech development or language disorder help in the exact level of input during the developmental process.
  • Psycho-social area: Examines the child’s cooperation, interactions, and involvement in the tasks.
  • Additional areas: During the training, our examiners learn the examination of posture and muscle tone with the help of physiotherapists, besides, the audiology and visual examination protocol is part of the survey as well, by means of which they can filter out the possibly co-occurring sensory issues. In this case, referral of the child to further specialty care is recommended.

The test should also be performed if your child does not show a marked delay in any of the areas, as the tasks are informative for the parents as well. Besides, they provide objective feedback on the children’s current status in the above mentioned areas, helping parents find a suitable kindergarten, school, or even leisure activities for their children. The test can be performed every three months at younger ages and every six months from the age of two, so that we can get confirmation whether the symptoms experienced before and indicating a disorder would occur at a later stage of life.